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THU 03 APR 2025 @ 20:30

Bluesy Lips

Liquid Bar
Rue Münster 17
L-2160 Luxembourg

FAQ: Liquid Bar does not accept reservations, and features a selection of 3 pizzas to enjoy. If you are keen to secure a spot in the area where live music is performed, it is advisable to arrive at least one hour prior to event start times.

F.l.t.r.: Aneesh, Benny, Chantal & Zilff. © Benny Deleuran, June 2024.

Bluesy Lips is is a blues band based in Mamer (Luxembourg) and founded in 2024.

The intent of the band is to play the blues and popular songs in a relaxed and cosy lounge kind atmosphere with a bit of bite. The set list is a mix of blues from the early days to modern blues and popular songs by, for example, Amy Winehouse and Radiohead.

Our stage set-up is relatively simple having the acoustic guitars and vocal going directly into the mix and only the bass having an amp on stage.


  • Chantal Gottschalk (vocals)
  • Zilff Rock (acoustic guitar)
  • Aneesh Balasubramaniyan (acoustic guitar)
  • Benny Deleuran (bass, double bass)

With the financial support of Liquid Bar, the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture, the City of Luxembourg and SACEM.

Publication date: 2024-12-20 15:52:24. Event ID = 144. © by Bluebird Music ASBL @ https://blue-bird.lu.